Michigan Sod Growers Association
Dale Ruth Scholarship Information
Apply for the Dale Ruth Scholarship - Deadline to Apply is November 1st each year
Scholarship Criteria
Member sod farm owner's child with five (5) years of active membership
Program must take place in a campus setting
Must be a full-time student
At least a B or 3.0 (on 4.0) average
Program must be for associates or greater degree
Applicants are not eligible until beginning second (2nd) year of study
Scholarship expected to be $500 per applicant
All applications will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee/Board of MSGA, which will have final decision-making authority.
Guidelines for the administration of the Dale Ruth Scholarship & Research Fund
If the number of applicants is greater than the donation, the association will fund the difference out of the general fund.
Deadline for scholarship applications is the Winter Freeze-Up Meeting (every December).
The intention of the Fund is to provide scholarships to the children of Member Sod Farm Owners. If there are no eligible candidates for any year, the committee - at its discretion - is requested to retain the principal until it reaches approximately $10,000.
When the principal surpasses $10,000 any amounts over the $10,000 guideline should then be considered for other beneficial uses (i.e. research or other activities that the Board may deem appropriate).
The principal should be invested in a safe investment vehicle that will maximize returns while incurring minimal risk (i.e. a money market fund or bank CD).
All applications should be mailed to the MSGA business office (or submitted via website form), which will then distribute a copy of all applications to the Scholarship Committee. The recommendations of the committee will then be presented to the Board for application approval.
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